Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Daily schedule, boiled peanuts & laughter :)

Email from MTC - Week 3

Alo meu familia!!

I hope everyone is going well!! It has a great week at the MTC. Congrads on your call as a ward missionary Ma thats so awesome. You will get to know what it is really like being a missionary. I'm sure you will have some amazing experiences. Im super excited for ya. This week has been very eventful. Elder Evens and I have really got along well. I felt like I have known him for forever. You get to know each other quick being together literally 24/7. We crack up all the time as you probably imagine. But we also feel the Spirit often together which is awesome. In companionship study we have had some really cool experiences. Finding the perfect scripture for our investigator and things like that. You guys wanted a basic schedule of what my day is like so here it is. Wake up at 6, breakfest at 6:30, class at 7:00 to 10:00, personal study 10:00 to 11:00, lunch at 11:00, Language study at 12:00 to 2:00, gym 2:00 to 3:00, prepare for lesson 3:00 to 4:00, dinner at 4:00, language study at 5:00 to 6:00, class 6:00 to 9:30, in bed at 10:30. We teach during our class times. It is really a packed day. It is amazing how much you can learn in 24 hours. Sundays are so awesome but sooo busy. I love the sunday and tuesday night devo at night. They are always so powerful The lessons with the investigators have been going awesome, and is probably my favorite part of the MTC (followed closely by volleyball haha). The Spirit is so strong in the lessons and I finally can now say what I want to in the language. It still is very broken and im learning the correct grammar but I have enough vocab now to express what I am feeling. I am seeing alot of improvement, especially this last week. This week I have been studying the book of Alma alot. I have have found some great scriptures in the first few chapters of Alma for the investigators. I love how plainly it speaks of baptism and repentance. It makes everything that is new and foreign to them simple and clear. So apparently no one here at the MTC except for me and another southern boy from mississippi in the zone know what boiled peanuts are. I couldnt believe that. I didn't know they were only in the south. They are really missing out. They do know of other delicious foods like grits and cornbread and crawdads but no boiled peanuts. Thats awesome Jordan Butler got her visa. How long exactly has she been out so I know what to expect for mine? like 3 months? I found Blaise the other day. He seems to be doing really well. He seems to really like it here. Im still looking for the two boys from Joseph City tho. The lazer show sounds like alot of fun. Solo is so funny with fireworks and those headphones. Wish I was there. And take the poor boy fishing for me haha. He will fish all day if you let him. So you dont like closing Dee? It is late but I liked it b/c you dont go home early ever. How many hours are you working now a week? Hope you and cody bear are well and happy haha. Thanks so much for the pictures Ali. The garden looks amazing. Keep sending me more I like seeing whats going on. Rae how do you like the room? Gonna paint it pink? haha hope you enjoy it. Pa I miss our 'male bonding time' haha. I wish I could work on the Merc or my truck with ya. We will have some fun painting and putting that 302 in when i get back. Tell thanks to aunt cindee and danny for me. I love hearing from them too. I cant help but laugh when reading aunt cindee's letters, she is so funny. Im glad I have the love of laughing like she does. I love the dear elders you guys send. They are the best thing everyday to look forward to. 

I got to go change my laundry. Ill be on the computer in 15 minutes or so. Ill send a bunch of pictures. 

Eu ama meu familia. Esta e importante nos amamos Dues como todo nosso corasao.

Elder Mountain

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