Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Meeting an Apostle & busy, busy, busy with the work!

Weekly - Email September 9,2013
Great to hear from you all. Thanks for that hilarious picture of Napoleon, Kip and Rico. (sent from Randee) That made my day, haha. I'm gonna see if I can print it somehow. I sent one letter on Friday and another on Saturday, did you get the second one? It was about hearing from Neil L Andersen, which was so awesome. We had two of our investigators at church, Jose and Alfonso. We wanted more of course but we were happy they were there. One of them, his name is Alfonso, who is the one who is closest to baptism and is on date, went on vaction to Colorado to visit his daughters who live with his ex wife. His daughters are 11 and 13, I think. But he took them to the LDS church in their town, which is so awesome. Hopefully they had a good time. We have a pretty big group of investigators and we saw a lot of progress this week. One of them, Johnathan, who is a younger guy maybe around 23 years old, progressed a lot. He told us he feels really good when he reads the Book of Mormon and he felt really, really good when he prayed about it. We were so excited, he has a ton of potential. I see him as a friend, i guess because he is close to our age. I want the gospel for him so bad. When he makes progress, like he did this week it makes us so happy. We have another investigator named Angelica where we have had a lot of progress. We had a great lesson last night with her. It has been a complete 180 from when we started teaching her when I got here. The first lesson I had with her she almost dropped us but her desire to learn more and to change has really grown. It has changed from a nice message to something that can change her and her families life. We also had a member with us last night in the lesson who was recent convert of about 5 years, so she has a friend that lives close by, which helps a ton. When members invite investigators to come to church or come to a ward party or something it is so much more effective. I am so excited for these people. I love seeing them grow. The love you feel for them the instant you meet them is something that is hard to describe. The meeting with Elder Andersen was so amazing. I wrote about it in detail in the letter but it was so crazy having an apostle of the Lord look you in the eye. My goodness it was powerful. And when he bore testimony, it felt like I was living in the scriptures, haha. Like I was witnessing John or Peter bear testimony. It was very, very powerful not to mention he was really funny, haha. He had a hilarous sense of humor, I didn't really expect that. This week really flew by. I can't believe it is already pday. All the days are just a blur, haha. I can't wait to go to the temple on Wednesday, that will be nice to slow down for a bit and absorb it all. I love and miss you guys!!! Sound like you had fun with the sister missionaries. That's neat you guys have gotten to know then well. I hope the work is going well there. Love you guys!!! Thanks for the picture of Solo and Albert as well. Tell the LaRue's I love and miss them as well!!!
Elder Montanh
 Picture mentioned in email :)
Characters from one of Nate's favorite movies!

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